Red overtones
would indicate influence from the first chakra. It is the center of physical
Orange overtones
would indicate influence from the sec-ond chakra. It is the center of
Yellow overtones
would indicate influence from the third chakra. It is the center of life
preserving energies.
Green overtones
would indicate influences from the fourth chakra. It is the center of
emotional stability and balance.
Blue overtones
would indicate influences from the fifth chakra. It is the center of will
Indigo overtones
would indicate influence from the sixth chakra. It is the center of insight
and understanding.
Purple overtones
would indicate influences from the sev-enth chakra. It is the center of
cosmic awareness. In an unenlightened person the chakras or energy centers
are sluggish in motion, but one who is more spiritually evolved has a
greater flow of energy as the centers pulsate and allow more energy to
flow through. The greater the flux of energy to any center the greater
the chance of having subtle energies appear in the photograph. This is
another exciting feature that makes Kirlian photography so unique, as
any participant using the camera can also discover his or her own progression
of unfoldment.