The KIRLIANGRAFIA, ITS ORIGIN And UTILITY Next to the final of the year from 1939, in a little city to the south of the antique Union Soviet, Semyon Davidovit Kirlian, a electrician famous put its bons services from maintenance in equipment eletro-eletrônicos, obtinha

acidentalmente (or not), the first Photograph Kirlian of the history.To the being called to repair a apparatus from eletromedicina from a hospital local, Kirlian encostou the hand in a may request energizada and was victim from a fortíssima discharge electric.

In the moment of the crash, he observed than between its fingers and the may request energizada, formavam-se interesting and marvelous luminiscences azuladas.Without know the than was having discovered, and without if worry much with the pain, he again encostou its mäo in the may request energizada, only than desta vez with a film photographic between they and in the more complete darkness.

He placed the film in the revelador and the measure than the photograph was being formatted, Kirlian if deparava with marvelous tints and rays, than to the few went taking the form from its mäo.Is clear than naquela epoch Kirlian neither if whether was imagining the than was having discovered, and itself without know the than those strange forms podiam reveal, he continued its searches, always much bem supported by its wife Valentina than always was being willing the being its "cobaia" in the photographs.

The time was ironing and Kirlian developed aparelhos than might be able to to it provide the photographs without the disagreeable pain and the malefícios of the discharges electric.Certain vez if deparou with a photograph strange, different of the "padrão" than was being accustomed the obtain.

Kirlian testou everybody the componentes of the machine, pulled novas photographs and the same strange forms were being presents. Few days after he sickened with serious problems cardiac, provavelmente conseqüentes of the experiences with the high voltage, only than the strange photograph than pulled from its own finger already to it had shown that, itself before him sicken.When the scientists stayed cientes that fato, these closely with the líderes estaduais passed the give certain attention to the searches than Kirlian and its wife were coming making.Certain vez a scientist carried two leaves aparentemente from a itself vegetable to than Kirlian the might photograph.

To the reveal the photographs, a hers was introducing marvelous contours luminescent, while the outra barely stains or blots luminous podiam being seen. Only após call the scientist to the its house is than Kirlian stayed knowing than the vegetable cuja leaf provided the photograph ruim already was having until died, contaminated with a disease.Only então is than the work than Kirlian vineyard realizando tornou-se realmente recognized.

From there to ca much thing happened, many searches were made, many doubts were lifted and many speculations were made in cima of the than realmente was being if obtaining with the photographs Kirlian.

But and today?After of the polemic "Effect Kirlian" already have been more of the than testado, doubted and proved, will be than its total acceptance and viability from use in diagnostics from ailments, not was possible until now porque in the fault a "elo" from knowledge than in the may enable understand exactly the than is obtained nessas photographs?

From accord with the milenar culture eastern, know than the rays solar to the incidirem on the Land, not produce barely waves from heat, but in contact with the camadas from gases than in the envolve, formam particles from energy than were calls from "Ki" or "Prana" or ainda, from "Energy Vital", than sane liable by the "maintenance energética" of the life in our Planet, equilibrando energeticamente and literally "maintaining alive" everything than if finds the our returns and, inclusive, us same.Through from searches, was verified than the bigger part of the óbitos from patients of the hospitals occurs during the night, exactly when the quantity from "Prana" present in the air diminished consideravelmente, proving its extreme importance in the life from our Planet!

Everybody the beings alive and entire the things than are able to find the our returns, is constantemente changing energies with the middle, seeking always the "equilibrium", sejam these energies in form from waves from heat, waves magnetic, electromagnetic and etc.The itself occurs in relation to the Prana, than is assimilado by everything and, in the case of the beings humans, enters mostly through of the three first "CHAKRAS", feeds the "Bodies" and, após equilibrá-los, the than not for utilized is sabiamente returned to the nature, to than seja aproveitado in the equilibrium of the next. Is exactly the return dessa energy prânica returned than form the than call from "AURA".Verify with that than, not only the beings alive, but also everybody the objects animated or lifeless own "Aura", pois also are directly receiving the "Prana".Through of the Teosofia, know than the homem owns seven principals Chakras, than exercem the function from assimilar the energies pranicas and feed the "seven bodies principals".The first and more dense might give seven bodies, is called from "Body Physicist" and is formatted by matéria physics (body physicist) and matéria etérica (body etérico or twofold etérico).

Is known also than much before from in the tornarmos sick, the symptoms dessas ailments are able to being diagnosed in the our body etérico, appearing how a "disequilibrium energético" indicating a "tendency" the ficarmos ailing, podendo that happen or not.That means than, if are able to "see" than are tending and have certain disease before dela if reveal fisicamente, are able to in the strengthen or in the "prevent" to than this not if may reveal in the body physicist.

And this, without doubt, is the bigger utility of the Machine Kirlian: the prevention from ailments.Through from photographs of the tips of the fingers, where if locate the extreme of the "Meridian" (drivers invisible of the flow natural from energies to certain parts vital of the body human), than sane utilized by the acupuntura and outras techniques eastern, are able to know how is our "health energética" by where those meridian pass.

Então photographing the finger thumb, by example, are able to know if are with imbalances in the meridian liable by the maintenance from energy in the lungs, pharynx, hearings, system lymphatic and maxilares, thus how, in the finger minimum have the meridian of the heart and intestine delgado.

Além disso, through of the medium of the photographs from five fingers from a person, pulled from a only vez, are able to verify also the grau from Paranormalidade, Preocupação with the others, Conflicts Emotional, Griefs, Dearths and others aspects personal than constitute the than are able to call from "Personality Aurica".That is a thing much interesting, pois differentiates much the persons, and is able to being facilmente verified to the observarmos than the joint from five (or more) photographs from a person, than if show similar between si, sane so different of the joint from photographs from outra person.

Today in day, until itself ailments how the Câncer, or simple tendencies to the tumors than a person may introduce is able to being diagnosed prematurely with the Photographs Kirlian.The Machines Kirlian than sane utilized today in day, to the ontrário of the than much people thinks, not owns the minimum resemblance physics with a machine photographic common and, with they, not is possible if obtain photographs from body apprise of the persons, pois in the process from obtenção of the photographs, the finger stays in contact direct with the film.

The own Meridian inviabilizam the necessity from if photograph the person by apprise, além, is clear, of the cost of the revelation and of the film from proportions

human.The Machine Kirlian, is compounded from a generator temporizado from high tension and freqüência, a compartment special than call from porta-filme, and a purse or chamber dark where this porta-filme stays encerrado, pois during entire the process, the film not is able to receive the minor quantity than seja from light.This is more a great difference between a machine photographic common and our Machines Kirlian. Cursos to if learn analisar the photographs, consultations with analysis complete and the own Machines Kirlian are able to being found in the Status of the Spirit Saint, by the tel. : (027) 546.1936.The manufacturer Alexandre Coast, gives guarantee total from 6 (six) months and, além disso realizes services from maintenance in others aparelhos from kirliangrafia.The KIRLIANGRAFIA IN THE PREVENÇÄO OF THE CÂNCER And OUTRAS AILMENTS O sun, to the happen its rays on the Land, not produces barely heat and others types from radiations than know and in the accustom the feel, but, may conform the milenar culture eastern, the Sun also is responsible by the training from particles from energy than sane flame of the from KI, Prana or ainda Energy Vital.

Those particles sane liable by the maintenance of the life in our Planet, and everything than if finds the our returns, including us same, is constantemente changing energies with the middle, sejam those in form from heat, light, electromagnetic and etc..The itself occurs with the Prana than, in the case of the homem, enters through of the Seven Chakras Principals to feed the Seven Principals Bodies Subtle and, how "in the Nature nothing if creates, everything if transforms", the than not is aproveitado, is sabiamente returned, numa infinite search to the Equilibrium (Yin & Yang), perpetuating the infinite cycle of the life.

Is exactly the return dessa Energy than call from AURA.

How much more "healthy energeticamente" if we were to be and how much bigger for the grau from our "evoluçäo spiritual", less Prana will need, returning praticamente everything than captivate from returns to the middle, and with that, bigger will be the "size" from our Aura.

Diz-se than the Aura from líderes spiritual how Buda, Jesus and others, if estendiam by more from 360 kilometers (that itself!) from distance.That is able to being read in a passage Biblical, although restricted barely to the presence from God, than says: "Nele live, in the move and are".

Quando certain part of the body is energeticamente debilitated, needs from a ortion bigger from Prana than outra part "healthy"; nessa region the Prana is able to being totalmente absorbed and almost nothing is from returned.

Neste case occurs the than call from "Drill Áurico". The "Furos Áuricos", may conform already was observed in studies, are directly connected with the side emotional of the persons, pois are able to being generated not only by the influence from Energies External (intrusas), but in the its majority, sane generated internally, through of the "conflicts emotional" from a person, and how much bigger its intensity, bigger is the tendency dessa person the enter in Status Depressive.How much more that person stays depressive, more increases that Drill Áurico, than torna the person ainda more depressive and debilitated, in a effect "ball from snow", than increases each vez more and how much more increases, more lets the person subject the ailments.

Is by that than some scholars say than "Ailments not exist, pois are us same than the create", and from certain form the make.

To reenforce how the Prana is essential to the life, searches show than the majority of the "óbitos natural" occur during the night, justly in the period than the quantity from Prana diminished enough.

Are able to observe that facilmente with simple resfriados, when worsen in the period of the night and improve consideravelmente during the day. In the First Plan from Evoluçäo of the Homem (Plan Physicist), is able to being found the first from our Seven Principals Bodies Subtle, than is formatted by Matéria Physics (Body Physicist) and by a "copy xerox" formatted by Energy Etérica (Twofold Etérico).This body is the responsible direct by the entry and exit of the energies and is known than much before from in the tornarmos sick, already introduce in our Body Etérico the vestígio (Imbalances Energéticos) dessas possible sicknesses, the times until much time before and after hers if manifestarem (or not) fisicamente, and if tornarem the than know how ailments.

Those imbalances are able to if reveal from various forms, not only how "Furos uricos",

but also from many outras forms and colors in the Aura, how stains, blots, isorganizations and/or concentration from rays (in the cases from pain and intoxication) and until itself how outra form from "energy" than if sees nitidamente than not pertains the Aura of the person than the loads (in the case from Energy Intrusa or "obsessor").Is exactly nesse First Body (Physicist/Etérico) than our Machine Kirlian operates.

Photographing the Imbalances Energéticos from a person, are able to prevent it of the possibility from develop (if ainda not happened) that type from disease.Those Imbalances are able to being eliminated from various forms, in the side Physicist with the simple prevention or caution, by example: if a person introduce Imbalances in the region of the Lung, is able to come the stay resfriada, and, knowing dessa possibility, owes if prevent; or in the side Etérico, with the Therapies Alternatives, how by example, the Cromoterapia, than in the case from resfriados advises the tonalities of the color orange.

Today in day are able to diagnose in the Photographs Kirlian from a person, problems from order emotional, mental and physics, how by example: Conflicts Emotional, Depression, Preocupação Excessive, Losses from Energies, Impreguinação of the Organism (Intoxication), imbalances energéticos in the Meridian (possible problems from health), and until in cases more grave, tendencies to the Tumors and until itself the CÂNCER.Is clear, than to the if analisar a joint from photographs from a person, owes if carry in account various factors, how hour in than the photographs were pulled, age dessa person and if this already not introduces or already introduced the symptoms of the problems found.

Owe above from everything let than our good senso may talk put us same, to not tirarmos conclusions precipitated, ironing a diagnostic erroneous, committing with that the seriousness from our work, than owes being carried in account above from qualquer outro factor. Obs.: The Machine Kirlian national is a apparatus fact by processes than preserve characteristics and presentation professional.

Its construction follows the stripe padrões from funcionamento than garantem its use in searches serious and until scientific, nothing letting the wish to the modelos been important.

© Alexandre Costa

Tel.: (021) 264.7411 / 234.7237